I’ve been MIA for the past couple of weeks and it wasn’t because I had a holiday. That would have been nice for sure, but I have booked one for next year and I’m already living into it — a week on the Gold Coast and I can see it clearly.
Take the tax return for instance. It’s a job that could have been completed ten months ago but as it’s not one of my favourite tasks I put it off. Again and again until it was almost time to do the next one. Duh!
I’m definitely doing the next one by the end of this month so I don’t have to worry about it. That’s what I did — worried about it when I could have just knuckled down, done it and got on with my life. I can’t even use the excuse that I was too busy because I have plenty of time to set aside to do it, I just did’t want to.
I know I will feel much better when I do these pesky jobs, but still put them off. I’m taking a wild stab here but probably not the only one like that. I’ve always looked at people who are super organised and wondered how they do it. I could do it when I worked, but don’t seem to be able to keep up to date with housework — which is so stupid really because if I did it regularly it would’t take very long at all.
So it feels great to have gotten lots of fiddly tasks out of the way plus some of the big ones. But I’ve finally stopped telling myself that I will get it all done and then keep things that way. Because that just doesn’t work for me anymore.
So I guess I’ll just keep having to tidy up loose ends for the rest of my life, although I will endeavour to keep them at a minimum.
Well I’d better go and tackle the ironing basket now.