I’ve just had a holiday — well it was a couple of weeks ago, and it had been quite some time since I’d done that. I went to the Gold Coast for my Young Living Essential oils Symposium and we decided to extend the stay and make it a decent holiday.
It was great, very relaxing — exactly what I was after. It’s funny, I only work outside the house one day a fortnight but you still don’t get that full relaxation when you’re at home — it’s just not the same as when you go someplace else.
man and woman holding hands walking on seashore during sunrise
One of the great things about planning a holiday is the lead up to it — that slow build anticipating what it will be like, how it will feel to just get away from the routine. Of course there is always the dilemma — for me at least — of deciding what to take. Coming from a climate that can have all four seasons in one day makes it hard to pack lightly. At least that is the excuse I give myself

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Then there is the anticlimax when you return from holidays — unpacking, doing loads of washing, dusting and grocery shopping to re-stock. Instantly plunged back into the daily grind as if you’ve never even been away. Makes you wonder if it’s worth it, but then I look at my photos and go back in time and yes, it definitely was worth it. So I find myself resisting some of the things that I can — like writing my blog. It’s almost as if I can extend the holiday a little longer by sitting in a sunny corner and reading another novel. Generally just being lazy I guess. But underneath I know that I have to get back into reality and get on with the normality of my daily life.
I need to make it more fun, put some oils in the diffuser and then plan the next holiday.
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