It’s a fairly simple concept to be kind, to show kindness.
But it seems to be a bit like common sense at times — not that common. Or at least if you watch the news on TV where it appears there is not a lot of it going around. Facebook too can be rather unkind with negative —even nasty comments on posts.
So I think that first we need to seriously invest in kindness to ourselves before we can really offer it to others.
Sure we can be kind to people around us by going the extra mile and just doing small tasks to help out. Now that sounds good, however after time some of those small tasks may be expected and from that can come resentment.
Being kind to yourself is not a form of self-indulgence. It’s quite the opposite in fact. Kindness comes in many forms and a major one is eliminating the negative talk to yourself. I have often realised I’m talking myself down for things I’ve done, or for mistakes I’ve made and for how I look. Repeatedly doing this can make me feel a bit down, unworthy and even useless. So when I concentrate on changing the way I self-talk and make an effort to be positive and nice, I’m being kind to myself. Plus the flow on effect is that I feel better and ready to pass that on.
sunset hands love woman
By practising kindness to myself, that ensures is more left in my tank to share with others. It’s a habit that begins within and flows onto those around us.
Now I’m not saying I’m an expert in this by any means — but I’m working on it even though I don’t believe I’ll ever reach that status. But I’m certainly practising, and it’s a work in progress.
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