We all have our own unique ways to deal with the loss of a loved one. And there is no shortage of ways to help you get through the process. I have listed a few actions you could consider below.

1. Be surrounded with family and friends.

While you’re grieving, it can be tempting to keep yourself distant from people. Whilst that may seem selfish, it is completely okay to take time for yourself. But it would help if you keep in contact with your family and friends.

Isolation can be a catalyst for depression. This means isolating yourself from the world can make it hard for you to escape the feeling. Also, your other loved ones might also be in grief because of the loss. Be with each other and don’t run from the feelings. Talk about your feelings if you can as this can be part of the grieving process.

2. Set aside time for yourself.

Unfortunately, our society does not give us all the time we need to grieve. While some schools and jobs can only offer you a few days of grace period, others don’t really have this.

If you have leave available, consider setting aside a part of your time to allow yourself to grieve. But if you cannot take time off, schedule familiar and enjoyable activities on the weekend with friends and loved ones. But also take some time for yourself — play games, write a journal, take a walk in your favourite setting. These activities will help you relax and process things. Remember that it is okay to have some fun.

3. Avoid Making Major Decisions.

If you can’t do anything about what’s hurting you, we tend to change things we can control. We quit our jobs, get into a relationship, or move to a new place. Then again, all of these things are major decisions.

You probably are tempted to leave the comforts of your home because you have shared a lot of memories here with the loved one you lost. However, sometimes decisions like these are best avoided while you are grieving. At this point of your life, your judgment might not be so stable and solid. Try to hold off for a bit.

If you feel the need to decide on something bigger, try asking the opinion of your trusted friends or family members. Speak to anyone who is not that connected to the tragedy.

4. Seek Professional Help.

Don’t be ashamed to seek help if you are having a hard time. Professional help is always available. You are not broken. It’s just that you need support, and sometimes it can be difficult to talk about some issues with those closest to us.

If you really feel shy or ashamed, know that there is a suicide prevention hotline or books on suicidal behaviour that you can use. Please take advantage of these resources instead just so you can understand things. You are never alone.

Dealing with the loss of a loved one who has suicided is not an easy process. It’s impossible to get over the feeling in just one day. If you need more guidance or you simply want an ear that listens, do not hesitate to reach out for help.

Grief has no time limit and we each grieve in our own ways — there is no set protocol. Just take it one day at a time.