Once again I’ve been a bit tardy on the blogging front, but I’ve had some good reasons.
It seems like so much has been happening this new year, and already we are halfway through January. I just read an article on why time seems to go much quicker when you’re older but I can’t remember why!
Anyway I decided I wasn’t doing new year resolutions this time around, because I think when I do those I feel really enthusiastic for the first few weeks, and then I sort of just fizzle out and don’t do anything. So this year I decided I’d just do what felt right at the time, and what will be of benefit and what will — hopefully — make me a better person.
That way life is much more fun, I’m not constantly reminding myself that I said I’d do ‘X’ and now I’m doing ‘Y’. So I don’t get to make myself wrong all the time for not living up to my own high expectations from the new year.
Enough — I also had some eye issues late last year which I blamed on my specs, but it turns out it was me not the glasses ! Bummer.
close up photography of person s eye
Anyway last week I had the first cataract surgery, which really spooked me in the lead up as I don’t like anything done to my eyes. Still I applied my calming oils liberally and duly fronted up to the day surgery for number one — I have to go back again in a couple of months for the next one. So the whole event was absolutely nothing like I’d imagined and got myself worked up about. I’d been told it was no big deal, but my subconscious didn’t want to listen.
Now I’m really pleased I had it done and am even looking forward to having the next one done too. Kind of weird I guess, but that’s the sort of person I am. Now I’m learning how to live without glasses on my face every waking minute and only needing reading glasses for the fine print which is really strange. I keep going to adjust the non-existent specs and find they aren’t there anymore.
Habit is a very powerful thing really, and so much of what we do in our everyday life is based on habitual behaviour. Still nothing stays the same and habits can be altered when the need exists. We are creatures of habit but we can also learn new ones.
dachshund dog wearing a red sweater
You really can teach an old dog new tricks and have fun doing it.