Recently I attended a two day Young Living essential oils Symposium. It was held at the RACV resort on the Gold Coast, and included morning and afternoon teas plus lunches. The weather was lovely, the symposium speakers were amazing and very informative. However come morning, afternoon teas and lunch it was an experience to watch a few of the attendees. The food was great but some people acted as if there wasn’t going to be anymore for quite a while. Plates were piled high with far more than necessary and they didn’t do themselves any favours to those of us observing. Out of a couple of thousand attendees,quarantine there were only a few of these.
Many people missed out due to the gluttony of those few which made me sad. Is it because they genuinely don’t get enough food — something I doubt because they weren’t there for free, not that it was very expensive either. Or is there a mindset of — I’ve paid for this so I’m going to get my moneys’ worth? I guess either way they are coming from some aspect of lack — be it in the finances or a subconscious feeling of deprivation and that they might miss out. Then we have the situation at present with the looming prospect of being quarantined because of the corona virus and people are stockpiling toilet paper because — why? We’ve seen embarrassing video footage of people fighting over it in supermarkets and filling their car boots with toilet paper. — Personal use only of course! At the same time we are being assured that there is more than enough to go around, it is simply a logistics issue with re-stocking. Plus it is made in Australia — so why the urgency to get way more than you need? There are a few other items that have been plundered from the supermarket shelves, that may relate to being quarantined — but really? One lady on the checkout commented that she is concerned for the pensioners who can’t afford to buy until their pension comes in, and when it does they will be unable to buy some of these necessities.
Only a few short weeks ago the country was standing up for each other because we had devastating fires followed by floods. The evidence of the Australian spirit of helping each other was common, and heartwarming — plus it seems totally unjustified.
So where do we go from here? I guess that some people won’t need to buy toilet paper for the rest of the year, which then leaves the manufacturers in a difficult place as they endeavour to estimate how much is needed over the next few months. But one thing it has highlighted for me is to look at my life to see if there is anywhere that I show signs of lack. Of course that would obviously exclude my clothes shopping habits. #copingsuicide #thoughtleader