Cleaning up in my house is a bit like painting the Sydney Harbour bridge — just when you think you’ve got it all done you need to start again. But cleaning up doesn’t always relate to cleaning the house — it can be for relationships too. Sometimes we’ve made mistakes and said some words in the heat of the moment we would rather not have done when we think about them later. It’s easier to clean a house than clean up a relationship, but that comes down to a matter of priorities.
We are a fickle lot and sometimes pride gets in the way, stopping us from cleaning up. Sometimes we’d rather wallow in our pride and let the relationship go. It comes down to your choice, and no one can make it but you.
There is also the clean-up related to your body — this could be related to diet or exercise. I know over the years I’ve tried many diets and started a few exercise programs — most of these have failed miserably. But I repeat myself over and over again. A bit like the definition of stupidity. Recently I had Covid — as many others have, and I felt that I managed reasonably well getting over it. Then a few months later some problems were discovered — but I’ve been living relatively normally. Blood tests tell a different story. So I tried lots of different ways to change the situation with minimal success. So then I decided to clean up my body — I did a five-day fast, which was no mean feat. I’m still waiting to see the results in full, but I do feel better. Time will tell I guess.
So where in your life do you need to do some cleaning up? My next job is my wardrobe I think, followed by the junk room and that will be a major task. Good luck and have fun with your cleaning up.