Blog Posts



Recycling is a very hot topic at the moment. We were told we could recycle many things but as it turns out there are a lot we can’t. Despite evidence of great things being made from recycled goods, we remain that throwaway society of old. Looking at my fridge...


After a crime is committed the police and or the the courts want to get a victim statement — to lay the evidence before the person who committed the crime so they can see how their victims have suffered. This statement lists all the ways the victim has been impacted —...


Life can be tricky. It sends us complications that we would prefer to do without. Life lessons like homework from school that we didn’t want to deal with. And yet they are called lessons because we need them to teach us something. Of course, as a schoolgirl,...


We talk about our numbers often — we might say “When your numbers are up, your numbers are up!” Whatever that means. But in reality, we all have numbers that came with us at birth. I think some of us have many of them and others don’t get many....


There are not too many of us who have not experienced some suffering. Suffering is a part of our lives and is probably something we all need to do at some point. It’s not much fun at the time, yet I believe it is a vital emotion for our growth and development....


I’m guessing that I learned responsibility early and have carried it with me over the years. Sometimes it can feel like a millstone around your neck, but it mostly seems to be the ‘right’ way to go. As a new mother, I was very aware of the...


There are many strange ups and downs in life, and we often get bombarded with all sorts of issues. I’ve been missing in action for the past few months because of some of these. The initial reaction to a problem is to attempt to solve it before asking for help. ...
F is for Fear

F is for Fear

We have all experienced fear of some sort at times in our lives. It is a natural response to danger or threat and can materialise in many forms. Sometimes we can fear an idea or something that has not occurred yet, or we respond to an actual threat to our person. ...

Shadow or Light

Throughout our lives, we get to face many differing challenges. Some are relatively minor, others can be massive. Many of those little challenges go unnoticed as we go about our daily lives. The bigger ones can hit you in the face, demanding attention...
Black or White?

Black or White?

How easy would it be if life were all black or white? If when we have to make a decision there was no dithering or vacillating between options. Life can be very confusing at times, difficult and scary. Sometimes we just need to be told what to do because making any...